What's behind every "win"?

Remember that behind every shiny medal, PR, podium and “win” there are hundreds of “that didn’t go as planned…”. 😪

💙 Social media is here for our highlights. And, that’s okay. But, not everything we do is a home run. Celebrate your successes but let’s learn from the shortcomings and push forward.

✍️ Focus on process goals, instead of outcome goals. Fall in love with the process. If you can do this, the end result is not as important as the steps that you took to get there.

😱 What you don’t see on social media are the DNFs, DNSs, the injuries, the anxiety, the worry, the lack of motivation that plagues every athlete.

🔥 Dare greatly but also understand that when we do that, we risk not being perfect, not winning, not hitting our goals…and that’s okay. 😉

Onwards & Upwards, always. 👊🏼