MSM + JHC Coaching

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Are you your own worst enemy?

Let’s talk - SELF SABOTAGE 💣⠀

training too much?
skipping sessions?
eating too little?
pacing poorly?
making excuses?
not putting forth your best effort?

Self sabotage stands in the way of expressing your true self en route to success in sport or life❗️

Signs of self sabotage ➡️⠀

⛔️ Low confidence; believing you’re not worthy enough to possibly feel that good or succeed ⠀

⛔️ Harsh inner critic; listening to the critical voice in your head, often stemming from early life⠀

⛔️ All or nothing “perfectionist” thinking; judgment or overreaction when things don’t go perfectly⠀

⛔️ Comparison; comparing yourself unnecessarily to others, lowering motivation and self-worth ⠀

⛔️ Unrealistic expectations; not accepting the reality of your situation or abilities ⠀

⛔️ Over analyzing anxiety; interpreting pre race nerves as a sign of unpreparedness ⠀

⛔️ “FOPO”, fear of other people’s opinions, pressure from perceived external expectations ⠀

How to move beyond self sabotage❓

✅ Believe in your abilities, maintain a gritty can-do attitude⠀

✅ Set realistic expectations based on your current capabilities⠀

✅ Be compassionate in conversation to yourself, stay supportive and kind⠀

✅ View everyday as an opportunity to build confidence; do difficult things, celebrate your success, learn from your struggles ⠀

✅ Focus on the process, let go of what you can’t control (the outcome), attend to each moment and action instead

✅ Be “on” to yourself; at the first sign of sabotage, explore the why behind it, take action to improve it ⠀

✅ Trust you are worthy enough to deserve your success ⠀

✅ Value intrinsic satisfaction and drive, ultimately no one cares more about you than YOU

👊🏻 Make this the season you get out of your own way. YOU are worth it. Set yourself up for success!

📝 @liz.waterstraat

📸 @emilythefry coached by @jhctriathlon after a fantastic race at IM AZ! 👏🏼