MSM + JHC Coaching

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Are you having fun?

Are you having fun?

A simple question we ask kids every day in sport, but rarely ask ourselves.

As adults, fun is still vitally important to our success and more importantly for our mental health.

⭐️ Motivation wanes sometimes. The key is to be able to work hard in the face of boredom, fatigue, pain and threading through some FUN!

⭐️ Foster a love of challenge that excites you and brings FUN to the table

⭐️ #1 reason kids quit sport? They don’t have fun. What makes us different as adults? Nothing!

⭐️ Find your tribe. Surround yourself with coaches, teammates, friends and community that keep it FUN!

🎵 Music: Find your jams, play it loud, sing at the top of your lungs and dance!

Play, dance, sing, laugh - but take time for the fun and laugh at yourself. Don’t take sport or yourself too seriously. 😂

📸 athlete @sharontris Having fun! Coached by @liz.waterstraat